Thursday, November 27, 2014


A Happy Thanksgiving Greeting to all of you.
Sorry I'm a bit late, things have been crazy here. :D

What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for:

My best friend! Nothing will ever beat you! You are awesome! <3

Learning basketball! I am thankful for the opportunity! (Not a pro yet, but getting there)

Planning for what I'll do in life :)   (I am going to college in the near future, and now I'm planning what my major will be)

Helping friends... I love to help others, and I'm thankful that I can

This is only a sampling of all the things that I'm thankful for!

What are you thankful for? Let me know.

Got to get back to the pie now....  :D


  1. Hey! I just nominated you for the grateful blogger tag on my blog: .
    I know you're new to blogging, so let me know if you have any questions!
